Keeping a computer safe doesn't mean only from other people, but also from electrical damages and failures. Keeping a computer healthy is a lot of work and if you care about your works, I think it's best to take that time and keep the computer in good shape.
Here are some tips that you can use to secure your PC.
01. Lock your PC
You may think that no one is going to check your PC, but you are wrong. Some may look into your files without you knowing. Maybe a person in competition at work may look into your works if you leave your work unattended and that may enable him to know everything about your project and may make a copied version before you implement yours. So it is best to lock your PC, even it is only yours. That ensures that no one can look into your file, unless he or she knows the trick to break the password. But most people don't bother that much, so locking a PC can help you in lot a way.
02. Prevent Virus Attacks
After you buy a computer, you might want to secure it from future attacks. It may come in the form of a virus, phishing, or a hack. These may lead you to a serious trouble. So it better to be aware of them and secure it before getting affected. A virus or other types of worms such as malwares, adwares and trojans are problem for your computer and for yourself. A virus, or a worm or a trojan are actually computer programs that are written to do a specific task. They can really do some serious problems. These programs enter into our computer through networks mainly the internet, or from a disk drive or USB that has been connected to a virus attacked system. These programs are always in the move. They go from one place to another. They infest one computer after another. In fact, these programs may not be detected at first. But when they trigger and perform the task that it was meant to do, then we find that our PC is being affected. So it's best to prevent them rather and allowing them to enter our PC. Anti-viruses are programs that detect virus code and deletes them. So it's best to have an anti-virus in all computers.
03. Prevent Malware and Adwares
Malwares and adwares are created to extract our information in an illegal way. I advice not to go into fake adverstisement for they may steal your private information and use them to access your property. So it's better to register or use products or websites in which we can actually believe in. Use the latest versions of browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox and Opera since they provide with better protection and security. These provide you with security that double-checks URL and notify you if it is a malware site.
04. Backup your Data
No one can actually say when they will be infected. So it's best to backup all your important to just-so-important files and folders for if you lost them, then that means all that you have done or got was all just a waste. This may be your important files at work or your photos of your dear ones or your family, friends or anybosy you're close with. Losing it means breaking off a large part of your life. Losing your work can cost you your job. So it's best to backup all your files before you lose them. You can back up to another external har drive or you can just upload all your backups to online storage space like Google Drive or Dropbox and other services which provides security so that you can believe in them.
05. Shutdown during Lightning
Securing your computer from vicious programs is not just enough. Yes, they may be a lot of problem. But you have to secure your device from everything around you such as rain or lighning. Just some amount of rain can short circuit your computer and damage it. It may lead to exploding of your system and that may be the end of your system. Be careful while taking your laptops out of home. Use a water repellent cover for it, so that it may not get wet. Rains can be really a problem, not only for laptops but for any computerised devices such as the mobiles phones. Even mobile phones, exposed to rain can get damaged. So be warned to take an umbrella everytime you go out.